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Brown University Design Studio

How can we integrate light into a room using cardboard?

Wanted to explore light shining through negative space in the middle section and from the top and bottom of lamp

Design Process


Iteration 1: hand cut

Wanted to explore light shining through negative space in the middle section, and from the top and bottom of the lamp


  • The material, chipboard, was not strong enough to capture diamond shape, in the middle, and cone shapes at the top and bottom of lamp

  • Light was not dim enough to emphasize a calming environment

Iteration 2: hand cut

Invite feelings of discomfort through the shape of lamp, yet comfort through the low light that lamp makes 


  • Pieces would not stay together when lamp was lifted up, due to using a hot glue gun for adhesion 

  • Inside circles were not aligned properly, which caused light to escape through the side more


Final Product: laser cut

Lamp can be used in different ways; as a chandelier, on a table, or a desk 

  • Wooden dowels added for stability 

  • Spacers were inserted to create exaggerated light lines 

  • Mint color brings a fairy-like feel to the environment

Final Product

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